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At Photobastei // Sihlquai 125, 8005 Zürich

From June 6, 2019 to June 27, 2019

At ZeoT // Lagerstrasse 107, 8004 Zürich                                

From September 27, 2019 to June 10, 2020

At Village du Soir // Route des Jeunes, 24 - 1212 Lancy Genève

From May 25, 20023


"Passio" is a latin term commonly used referring to Passion, Intense Love. But the word originally actually designates Suffering.

As she progressed on this project dedicated to dancers, it became clear to French Photographer Marine du Sordet, that most of them, though driven by an unconditional love of their art, did not hide the part of suffering - both physical and psychological - inherent to its practice.

Her work intends to reveal this duality between appearance and reality.

(Do not hesitate to use contact form for any inquieries)

© 2019  Marine du Sordet Photographie   -  Family / Lifestyle / Fashion  - Mention Légales

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